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Global Contractor Management Solutions Pty Ltd


This privacy policy applies to Global Contractor Management Solutions Pty Ltd ("GCMS") and any entity owned or controlled by it ("Related Entity") in relation to GCMS' and its Related Entities' (together "CXC" or "we") operations in Australia and New Zealand.

At CXC we are committed to ensuring the privacy of your personal information.

CXC respects and upholds your rights to privacy protection under the relevant legislation, therefore we are committed to complying with applicable privacy laws, such as the Australian and New Zealand Privacy Principles ("APPs") contained in the Australian Privacy Act 1988 and the New Zealand Privacy Act 1993 ("Privacy Acts").

This privacy policy explains how CXC handles personal information in accordance with the applicable privacy laws.


We only collect and hold personal information about you that is reasonably necessary for one or more of our business functions or activities, which may include:

  • Facilitating services to or by us, where you, your organisation is a client, service provider, or potential client or service provider;
  • Considering you for role at or for CXC (whether as an employee or a contractor) and, if successful, carrying out onboarding and ongoing management procedures;
  • Managing any complaint, investigation, process or inquiry in which you are involved;
  • Managing any insurance claim or proposal that requires disclosure of your personal or sensitive information; and
  • Direct marketing of our services to you.

If you choose not to provide us with personal information, we may be unable to carry out such functions or activities.

Whenever it is reasonable and practicable to do so, we will collect your personal information directly from you. We may collect personal information about you when you deal with us by telephone, letter, fax, forms (paper or online), e-mail or visit our website.

There may be occasions when we obtain personal information about you from a third party, where it is unreasonable or impracticable to collect the information directly from you (e.g. where we collect information from your employer, your nominated referees, and when receiving the results of a psychological or competency test, background checks or obtain performance feedback from your host-employer).

We will generally seek your prior consent to such collection and will take such steps as are reasonable in the circumstances to notify you that we have collected personal information or to otherwise ensure that you are aware of the circumstances of that collection.

Generally, the type of personal information we collect about you is the information included in your application, résumé or information that we record through the 'MyCXC' portal. For example, we will collect information including your name, mailing address, telephone number, e-mail address, career history, details of any competency tests or other information relating to your career. We may also collect your bank details, superannuation details, tax file number, and passport information.

In some circumstances, we may collect sensitive information about you such as information about your membership of a professional or trade association or trade union, your health (including any medical conditions), your racial or ethnic origin or any criminal record that you may have. We will only collect sensitive information about you with your consent and if the information is reasonably necessary for one or more of our functions or activities, unless an exception applies under the legislation.

Because of the nature of our business it is impracticable for us to deal with individuals on an anonymous basis or through the use of a pseudonym.

If we receive personal information that we did not solicit, where we determine that we could not have collected that information in accordance with the legislation, we will, where lawful to do so, destroy the information or ensure the information is de-identified.


We may use and disclose your personal information that we hold for the purposes for which it was collected. We will not use or disclose any personal information about you for any other purpose without your consent, unless an exception applies under the legislation.

We may disclose your personal information to:

  • Potential employers;
  • Clients who may wish to engage your services as a contractor or temporary resource;
  • Organisations that conduct competency or psychometric tests;
  • Referees;
  • A worker's compensation body;
  • Our insurers;
  • The ATO and other government or regulatory bodies;
  • Suppliers of services to us;
  • Other entities in the worldwide CXC group;
  • A person authorised to act on your behalf; and
  • Depending on the circumstances, to the Australian federal police to verify whether you have a criminal record.

We may use or disclose personal information about an individual for direct marketing of our products or services, including by email. We will only use personal information for direct marketing where we have collected the information directly from you and have made you aware that the information may be used for such purpose, or you have consented to use of the information for such purpose. However, individuals may request not to receive direct marketing communications by contacting us using the details set out below.


In providing our services, CXC, its service providers or clients may disclose personal information to a person or entity outside of Australia ("overseas recipient"), including to overseas facilities or contractors to process or back-up our information or to provide certain services to us.

CXC may disclose your personal information to other entities in the CXC group, including entities located in the Philippines and New Zealand. Unless you provide your informed consent to the disclosure or another exception applies under the legislation, where your personal information is disclosed to an overseas recipient, we will take such steps as are reasonable in the circumstances to ensure the overseas recipient does not breach the legislation in relation to that information. Where an exception applies, we may disclose your information to an overseas recipient in accordance with the terms of the relevant exception.


We will take such steps as are reasonable to ensure that personal information we collect is accurate, up to date and complete and that personal information we use or disclose is accurate, up to date, complete and relevant. To assist us with this, you should contact us if any of your personal information changes or if you believe that the personal information we have is not accurate, up to date, complete or relevant. We may also contact you from time-to-time to check the information is still correct.

You may update your personal information at any time, to do so simply log into the 'MyCXC' portal, and you will find options for editing the information you have submitted. Alternately, please contact our Customer Service Team via the contact us page in the portal.


You can gain access to the personal information we hold about you by contacting us. We will give full access to personal information, within a reasonable period after a request is made, unless an exception to access applies under the legislation. We will advise you of any exception that applies. We may charge a reasonable fee for providing access. Where we hold information that you are entitled to access, we will endeavour to provide you with suitable avenues as to how to access the information.

If we are satisfied that personal information we hold about you is inaccurate, out of date, incomplete, irrelevant or misleading or you request us to correct the information, we will, within a reasonable period after we identify the faulty information, or the request is made, take such steps as are reasonable to correct the information.


Your personal information may be stored in hardcopy or electronically. We will take reasonable steps to protect personal information we hold from misuse, interference and loss as well as unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. We use current techniques and processes to protect personal information.

Where we no longer need personal information for any purpose for which the information may be used or disclosed we will take reasonable steps to destroy the information or ensure the information is de-identified in accordance with the requirements of the legislation.


If we no longer need the personal information for the purpose it was collected, CXC will take reasonable steps to ensure that such information is erased or de-identified, unless CXC is required or authorised by the applicable privacy law to retain the personal information.


When you browse through the pages of the website, read or download information, we may collect or note details about your visit such as:

  • Your server / Internet Protocol address;
  • Your operating system, top level domain name and the type of web browser you use;
  • The date, time and duration of your visit to the website; or
  • Whether you have visited the website previously and what content you viewed.

The information we may collect relates to your server or PC rather than you yourself (except where personal information is provided to CXC). The information we may collect may be used within CXC to help us improve the website by tailoring it to better suit your needs, and to provide quicker and more effective access to the various components of the website. We may disclose this information to other persons for these purposes or for related purposes, including to information technology companies who assist us in constructing, designing and maintaining the website.

We may also collect your personal details if you request information about CXC that we may supply online, or if you request, email or telephone us with a comment or query. We may use your details:

  • To send you the information you have ordered;
  • To answer your comment or query;
  • To monitor our responses to you; or
  • For our internal sales and marketing analysis.

If necessary, we may also contact you to follow up on your request, or to provide you with further information which may be of interest to you.


You can contact us via the contact details below if you:

  • Wish to access, update or correct your personal information;
  • Wish to request not to receive direct marketing communications;
  • Require further information about how we handle personal information;
  • Have a complaint or concern in relation to privacy.

We will take any issue or concern relating to your privacy matter or complaint seriously and will take all reasonable steps to address your matter or complaint.

If you are not satisfied with our handling of your privacy related matter or complaint, you may make a complaint to the Australian Information Commissioner (


The Privacy Officer
PO Box 7217
Warringah Mall Shopping Centre
Brookvale NSW 2100


This policy will be reviewed and amended as required, to ensure it remains relevant, compliant with current legislation and appropriate to the nature and scale of the risks faced by CXC and its stakeholders.


Global Contractor Management Solutions Pty Ltd
