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18in4 Diet Plan Free Download


I'm ecstatic! It has been about a month since I last emailed you and I continue to lose weight. Your plan is absolutely amazing and I haven't felt this good about myself in about 15 years!

I think the last we spoke I had lost about 50 pounds – now I'm happily expecting to hit the 65 pound mark next week. I am so thankful for your generosity in sharing this plan with the world James. It has given me such a confidence boost and little by little I'm moving back into the world again!

Lorraine, UK



Hi James, all I can say is look at pictures. I lost 16 lbs in the first 4 days and a total of 60 lbs so far. The plan makes sense and very easy to follow. it was a little difficult at first because Im a junk food eater. But your plan got me off the junk and my body only craves good food now.

Daniel P, Texas


Hey James

This is Tracey. I bought your plan in June 2014 and since then I've lost 80 lbs with your plan.   My days are pretty crazy with 3 kids to take care of but even with my busy schedule it was still easy to follow your plan. I had my friend try your plan and she had great results as well! I tried to get her to snap some selfies to send to you but she's a little shy. LOL!  Thanks again for all your help.

Take care
Tracy H, Minnesota, USA


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Hey, I purchased your diet back at the start of March after being told at a job interview that I was to "large" & would intimidate clients. This was the kick start I needed, I always knew that I was big, and wanted to do something about it but never really had the motivation. I tracked down the 18in4 diet on the internet & purchased it from you.

I was very skeptical at the start as to how someone could possibly lose that amount of weight in 4 days & keep it off. It is now 6 months later and I have gone from 281 lbs to 196 lbs, I have lost over 80 lbs in less than 6 months. I have managed to keep every pound off and still enjoy a great new healthy diet!!!! I also run around 6 miles every other night (something I couldn't even attempt 6 months ago) & regularly attend a gym…..Just working on the 6 pack now!!

I just wanted to say thanks; you really deserve a medal for this diet…. If people are serious about changing their diet, they need to contact you. I have told all my friends that it works & I know that some of them have already purchased the plan also!!!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Ross, Chicago


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My name is Michelle and I just wanted to say THANK YOU for laying this plan out, it was so easy to follow. I have tried for years to lose weight and nothing has worked as quickly as your program. I lost 13 pounds in 4 days and I am so excited about that. I have used your program just as you said to… as a kick start and I have got to say I am still losing

I have lost 33 pounds in 9 days just by using the foods from your plan. Again THANK YOU!!!!!

Michelle, NY


lose 18 pounds in four days

I've been on the diet for just over 3 weeks now and
I've lost 28 lbs so far. During my first 4 days, I lost 16 lbs. This diet really works, I have dropped 2 Jean sizes in 3 weeks and my old clothes are starting to fall off me.Thanks for this marvelous diet, I'm starting to feel great. I've enclosed a picture. Thanks again, only 16 lbs to lose

Ricki, UK


four day diet

I used to sport a pear shaped body …ha-ha, and hold a lot in my face and neck. At this point, being in March, I came across your diet. When I started the diet, I was at 168lbs, and in
my first four days I had lost 12 lbs . So I once again went back on the diet. I still wanted to be down to at least 140lbs. I now weigh 142 lbs

So, in total I lost 26 lbs going from 168 lbs to 142 lbs!

Natalie, USA


James check this out!!! These are before and after the 4 day plan. Thanks to you 15 BIG ones!   Started diet Mon-Thurs —weighed this AM– 15lbs off in 4 days. I feel so much better and my eating habits will change thanks to you.




Well I did the plan last week and lost 16 pounds which I was very happy about and everyone noticed . I have tried many diets and none worked, but this one did and most of all it taught me discipline and that I don't need to eat the wrong foods, treats are good but not everyday…so cheers…just thought I would say thanks

Darren, TX


I love you!! I want say thanks, you helped me finally get my life back together. Just wanted to let you know I was 257lbs and I weighed in at 240lbs yesterday in 4 days. I will never forget you.

Hilary, Fort Myers


GOD BLESS THE DAY I FOUND YOU!!! I can't thank you enough for what you do for people!!! You've changed our lives! What is the most amazing thing about you and your plan – is that it WORKS. I don't know how much I lost but I can tell by the clothes I fit in – it's a miracle!!!!

Thanks a lot!!!

Martin, Boston
P.S. I will NEVER forget you!!!!! I would pay $270, if I had to


How are you? My name is Terrance from New York. I was very skeptical about your diet plan. I did not follow your plan 100% to the letter but, in spite of one cheat after four days I still lost 16 pounds. My man you are truly a genius!!! I am going to go back on it in another week and do it 100% all the way. I would have probably lost those few extra pounds. I just fell in love with you man cause I have been trying to find the answers for a long time. God Bless,

Terrance, New York


I just wanted to say massive thanks! I started on Monday and today (Friday afternoon), I am 17 pounds lighter. I had my reservations but it's worked brilliantly and I can't thank you enough. I Will be doing it again shortly. Thanks again

Sam, New York

I have just completed the 4 day program with amazing results… I have lost approx 15lbs …my husband and children still can't believe it!


Kerrie, Santa Monica


It has been some time since I was in touch with you – Mar-16th. Since I last wrote to you, I have lost 42 lbs. I feel so much better and have received several compliments. This meal plan is excellent and the food is very good and sensible. Because it's so simple, it's easy to follow. At times I am invited out or go to a restaurant – I try to be careful. The next day I start over again and repeat the 4 days with a little break or a treat in between. My meals are ready in 5 to 10 minutes. I drink lots of water with a little lemon juice. Thank you again for this wonderful meal plan.

Jane, Portland


Hey, I just wanted to let you know that I lost 12 pounds in 4 days. It's an amazing plan to follow and I wasn't even hungry or had cravings. I have tried every diet in the book, injections, well known diet clinics and a variety of diet pills and nothing has been this quick and easy to follow. The quick results help to encourage me to continue until I reach my desired goal. Many thanks

Lynn , Ontario Canada


Hello, I bought your diet plan last Thursday Started my diet on Friday and finished it yesterday. I weighed this morning and I lost 14 lbs in 4 days . A big well done to you, and to all those skeptics that hate crash diets, it doesn't Have to be a crash diet, it has showed me how to eat a healthier lifestyle and I will continue to eat considering the food groups I mix. Thanks

Tracey, UK


I do not consider myself an optimist nor a pessimist, the dam glass is just the wrong size. Having said that, I would have bet my last nickel that it wouldn't worked. Being I had $27.05 I decided I had nothing to lose but $27. A ll I can say is WOW! 12 lbs later I figure that is about $1.50 a pound! Like many I've seen and heard all the advice but you had one simple thing that hit home, "The Reminder". I have also decided to REMEMBER where I was when I decided I need to change and how I felt.

Phyllis, Vermont


I have to admit I didn't believe in your program but I still bought it in the hopes that maybe there was a bite of truth to it. James I apologize for doubting you and thank you, I lost 14 lbs in 4 days and I feel great. My daughter and her friends all want to try it now! Thanks again.

Jennifer, Utah


Absolutely, impressively, awesome!!!. I have tired many diets and all I could say at the end of these 4 days was WOW. Not only did I lose 13.5lbs, I feel so much better, even mentally. I finished the diet on Saturday and stepped on the scale today and had lost 3 more lbs. Now I have incorporated most of the foods from the diet in my daily eating, and don't add all the condiments that I use to. I work midnight and the diet worked great!

Dee, Indiana


I've tried everything. But whenever I was dieting, either the results were too slow, or I felt like I was starving myself (and that's not healthy). And even if I did lose the weight, it always came back. After using your diet, I realized that the reason I was hungry all the time was because I was eating the wrong kinds of foods and my body wasn't getting the nutrition it needed. Not only did you help me lose the 20 lbs I've been trying to lose for the last 3 or 4 years, but I've kept it off for 6 months. And unlike other plans, I feel healthy. Thanks James.

Brenda, UK


Thank you, thank you, you've changed my life and appearance. Too bad I didn't know about this sooner. To date I have lost 24lbs and counting. I will tell everyone I know who wants to lose weight.

Beth, UK


James I've battled with my weight all of my life and used every diet under the sun. After I completed the first 4 days my wife was in shock to see how much weight I lost. I'm still following your program and I'm happy to say I lost a total of 27lbs . My wife thanks you too… LOL!

Gary, Texas


James, hats off to you! It worked like you said and I still can't believe it, I lost 14 lbs in my first 4days and 28lbs at the end of 10 days , there no stopping me now! HA! HA!
Sue, UK


I've tried other diets, but none of them have ever worked for me. Atkins, South Beach, they never seem to work like they said they would. However, after being fortunate enough to diet with 18in4, I have been able to meet my goals and I feel GREAT while doing it! Thanks!

Carey, Seattle


I just finished up the four day plan. It was just what I needed to get me back into my healthy eating habits I lost about 16lbs, this was just perfect. I was stuck in a rut of choosing unhealthy foods, but now that I am able see results and feel how happy I am to be doing what is right for my body, I am back to my motivated self. Thanks so much! What a wonderful gift you are sharing. Take care

Andre, USA


Hi James, It's the morning after the diet, I lost 18lbs and I feel great , better than I have in a long time.

Thank you so much for this diet!!

Terry , Ohio


Hi, my name is Benita; I just had to email you to say how grateful I am for your program. Like so many others, I have tried everything (literally!!) I was struggling with under active thyroid which means your metabolism is so low, it doesn't have the ability to burn fat. I still decided to try the program. All I can say is it works, absolutely.


Benita, USA


This is Jenny again, I never thought I would lose 18 pounds in four days, but I did lose 15.5 pounds!!!

Thank You So Much.

Jenny, UK


Hi James, Thank you very much. I can't believe what your diet has done for me. I gained 60 pounds due to medicine, age, menopause, dreadful cravings and depression. I have been trying to loose weight for four years – Weight Watchers, LA Weight loss, Atkins, South Beach in addition to numerous kinds of "natural" remedies off the internet that are just plain scams! I wish that I had 1/3 of the money I've spent on diet pills over the years. I was so desperate that I didn't hesitate to spend the $27.00 for your plan. I thought, "oh well, I have tried everything else". I can not tell you how much better I feel. I lost 21 lbs, my joint pain 100% better, alertness – 100% – overall well being, 100% better. After a year of falling asleep in parking lots, drive-thru, etc. Since your diet, I no longer feel in the morning like I haven't been to bed. It's amazing!! The best thing is I could not believe it when you answered my e-mail (twice) the very next day. I didn't think I would get an answer at all. Thank you James so very much. You are a wonderful person.

Kathy, USA


Hello, I am not a person that had a lot to lose. However, I have been trying everything! I had bought pills and spent all kinds of money trying to find different diets, none of them ever worked! So I now take my hat off too you this is incredible!!!!!!!!!! I had to lose 15 lbs, well 4 days later I lost 13 lbs . All I can say who ever is lucky enough to take a chance and buy this miracle diet is smart" stick to it follow your instructions all the way. You are very real and James this really works" I am staying on it plus I know how to eat right' because of this diet. Thank you so much I hope many buy your diet.

Prinny, USA


Thanks for the input, A total of 17 pounds – not bad at all. I'm going to slowly incorporate some of my healthy food choices again since I'm starting to exercise again. I will continue to on the plan to lose more weight.

Thanks Again,
Daniela, USA


James, I was skeptical about the 18 in 4 diet but it has been working. I have already lost 26 pounds after 10 days. Thanks

Mark, Canada


I just wanted to tell you I really can't believe the weight I've lost in 4days.s. I am crying here typing this I'm so happy. I've lost 17lbs I will be honest with you I didn't think it would of worked … not to the extent it has as I have tried things like this before, I'm so glad I came across your advertisement…anyways I just wanted to let you know how I've done.

Kate, UK


The diet is great! I lost 41lbs since I started a month ago. Thanks so much you have changed the way I think about eating!

Joseph, CA


Yes! I'm so excited. I've wanted to lose my last 15 lbs. After having my first baby 6 months ago.

I lost 16 lbs with your diet. Thank you so much for your support. Now that I'm back to my old self, my husband said that we could start trying for our second child. I just wanted to lose that last 15 lbs and no other diet worked. Thank again for your support; I can't tell you enough how good it feels.

Lisa, Michigan


Hey, I told you I would let you know my results. Great news! ! I lost 13 lbs in 4 days I did it on my work days, and my work is pretty physical, it was actually pretty easy to do and to keep on it. Thanks again.

Anna, UK

18in4 Diet Plan Free Download
